Sophie French

Welfare Executive

Sophie French

Sophie is Objective Media Group’s in-house Welfare Executive and a qualified intergrative counsellor with an external private practice.

Taking up the bespoke welfare role in 2023, she originally joined OMG in 2019 as Talent Manager where she helped crew up shows across the production companies in the group.

As Welfare Executive Sophie is dedicated to the wellbeing, mental wellness and training opportunities of all staff and freelancers' throughout the group. Her therapeutic training covers a number of areas including trauma, anxiety, depression, self-doubt and issues facing those from underrepresented communities.

Prior to this Sophie worked in the TV industry for over 20 years, as a series producer (Love Island, ITV, and Love in the Countryside, BBC Two), a senior producer (working on several early series of Big Brother) and as a senior edit producer (The Great British Sewing Bee, BBC Two, and Heston’s Great British Feast, Channel 4) before turning her hand to talent managing as Twenty Twenty.